Pure Neo Magazine

If you can't stand the heat - get out of this kitchen

Opinion pieces, premium knowledge, and unfiltered truths about digital transformation, design, no-code, and genAi.

The Insane Costs of Finweet Components caused by Webflow

Are we being forced to pay for fixes that shouldn’t be needed in the first place? When half-baked features meet pricey workarounds, who really wins? Spoiler: It’s not the user.
Georg S. Kuklick
August 16, 2024
 min read

Open letter to Webflow - Follow up part 2/3

In Part 1 of my follow-up, I detailed the roadblocks faced while using Webflow’s User Accounts and Logic features. Now, in Part 2, I’ll unveil potential solutions to overcome these challenges.
Georg S. Kuklick
June 24, 2024
 min read

ChatGPT thinks humans are better than animals

People working for OpenAi are obviously thinking humans are better than animals and piercings are ugly. There is still a strong and dangerous bias in OpenAi's DALL.E image generator.
Georg S. Kuklick
June 23, 2024
 min read

Open letter to Webflow - Follow up part 1/3

In yesterday’s open letter to Webflow’s C-level executives, I promised to provide actionable feedback on what needs to change to make user accounts and gated content work properly in Webflow. Here is part 1.
Georg S. Kuklick
June 22, 2024
 min read

Open letter to the C-level of Webflow

Yesterday’s Webflow Summer 2024 event was tough to watch. 🥲 While I admire Webflow's ambition and believe in the overall direction, it’s clear that some fundamentals are missing.
Georg S. Kuklick
June 21, 2024
 min read

Service Design - Make products and services optimally tangible.

DESIGNBOTE editor Wolfgang Linneweber spoke with me about the importance of service and experience design.
Georg S. Kuklick
May 13, 2024
 min read

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